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The UK government replaced the Innovator visa and Start-Up visa schemes with a new visa scheme – the Innovator Founder visa route. The new visa scheme commenced from 13 April 2023. The Innovator Founder visa program offers non-UK residents an avenue to immigrate to the UK and live permanently if they wish, without a job offer or sponsor. In this article, you will learn all about the new Innovator Founder visa route, eligibility criteria, endorsing bodies, and a step by step guide on how to apply for the Innovator Founder visa scheme.
What is the Innovator Founder Visa Scheme all about?
The UK Innovator Founder Visa is for young entrepreneurs and business people, who wish to establish a business in the UK. In this new visa scheme, applicants do not need to have a specific level of investment funds for the proposed business. But the proposed business idea must be new, viable, innovative and scalable, with a suiting business plan, which must have been approved by an endorsing body. As an applicant or Innovator Founder, you must have significant contribution to the proposed business idea, and also have a key role in the day-to-day management and development of your business. In addition, approve Innovator Founders can take up other employment opportunities that require a skill level of not less than UK A levels. Aside managing their business, they can pursue academic studies in the UK.
What is the Validity Period of a UK Innovator Founder Visa, and How Long can the Visa Holder Stay in the UK?
With the Innovator Founder visa, you can stay in the UK for 3 years. Whether you came to the UK on an Innovator Founder visa or you switched to this visa from other visa categories while in the UK. Note that after every year (that after the first 12 months and 24 months), you must meet with your endorsing body for reassessment, to prove that you are making progress in the approved business. If the endorsement body withdraws your endorsement, you visa might be cut short. To stay longer (for another 3 years), you must reapply with a new endorsement before your current visa expires. There is no limit on the number of times you can extend this visa type. Also note that if you have lived in the UK for 3 years, you can apply directly for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) in the UK if you met the other requirements.
Also, the Innovator Founder visa holders can bring their partners and their children that are under 18 years old to the UK. The dependents (partners and children) of Innovator Founder visa holders are free to work in any field, except as sports coaches or player. They can also pursue their academic studies in the UK.
Who can Apply for the UK Innovator Founder Visa?
Both start-up entrepreneurs and experienced business persons who wish to setup an innovative, viable and scalable business in the UK can apply for the Innovator Founder visa. In general, any applicant who has a novel business idea, and the business must not have been established already in the UK by another person can apply. Also, an individual can join a business after it has been registered with Company House, provided the business has not started its operation. In this case, you as the applicant will have to prove to the Home Office that you made a significant contribution to the business plan, and that you were not added to the business solely to facilitate investment, or to get an Innovator Founder visa.
Various Ways You can Apply for the UK Innovator Founder Visa
Note that all applications must be online. You can apply in any of these 3 ways:
- Apply outside the UK, and then come to the UK.
- Apply inside the UK, if you currently hold an Innovator Founder visa, and wish to extend your current visa.
- Apply inside the UK, if you are switching from a different visa type to the Innovator Founder visa.
NOTE: Your partner and children can also apply to join you or stay in the UK as your dependents if they are eligible.
How Long Does it Take for the UK Innovator Founder Visa to get Approved?
Once you have applied online, proved your identity and provided all the required documents, you will get a decision on your visa within 3 weeks if you are applied from outside the UK. But if you applied from inside the UK, you will get a decision on your visa within 8 weeks.
NOTE: As part of the application, you will be required to prove your identity and also provide all the required documents. If you need an appointment to do this, then you may need to allow extra time. Also, if you need to go for an appointment, you may be able to pay for a faster decision. The procedure and amount to pay for this depends on whether you are outside the UK or inside the UK.
Innovator Founder Visa Requirements
Before you apply for the Innovator Founder visa, make sure your business or business idea has been assessed by an endorsed body. Once your business or business idea is eligible, the endorsing body will issue you an endorsement letter.
If you are planning to setup a new business in the UK, you will need to prove to the endorsing body that you have enough funding, and the source of the funds is not fraudulent.
You do not need any investment funds if your business has already been established, and has been endorsed for an earlier visa. Also, you do not need any investment funds if you have changed your business, and it had been approved by your endorsing body.
You must also meet the following requirements:
- You must meet the English language requirement, that you are competent in the English language to at least CEFR Level B2 (equivalent to IELTS 5.5 in reading, writing, listening and speaking). For more information about prove of knowledge of English, check out this guide.
- You must be at least 18 years old.
- You also be able to prove that you have saved enough money to support yourself (and your dependents, if there is any) while you are in the UK.
- Your application does not fall for refusal on general grounds for refusal.
NOTE: Your exact visa requirements may vary, depending on your case’s circumstance.
Documents you will need to Apply for Innovator Founder Visa
You will be required to provide the following documents when applying for the Innovator Founder visa:
- An endorsement letter to prove that the endorsing body has assessed your business or business idea. Also the endorsement letter must be issued not more than 3 months before the date of your visa application.
- A valid passport or other approved documents to prove your identity and nationality.
- Bank statement to prove that you have saved at least £1,270 in your bank account for 28 consecutive days before applying for an Innovator Founder visa, visa extension, or visa switch.
- Proof that you meet the English language requirement.
- Result of tuberculosis test, if you are from a country where the test result is required.
- A blank page in your passport for your visa if you are from outside the EU, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, or Liechtenstein. You will also need the blank page if you are from the previously mentioned countries or regions, but do not have a biometric passport with a chip in it.
NOTE: You will need to provide a certified translation if your documents are not in English or Welsh. For more information about certified language translation for your documents, check out this guide.
What can I do and can I not do with the UK Innovator Founder Visa?
With an Innovator Founder visa, you can:
- Setup a business or several businesses in the UK.
- Be employed in your own business as a director, or self-employed as a member of a business partnership.
- Take up a skilled work outside your own business, or a job needing at least a level 3 qualification.
- Travel abroad and return to the UK.
- Apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (that is to settle permanently in the UK) if you have lived in the UK for 3 years and meet other eligibility requirements for ILR.
With an Innovator Founder Visa, you cannot:
- Work as a professional sportsperson, for example as a sports coach or as a player.
- Apply for benefits like the public funds, or the State Pension.
Innovator Founder Visa Application Fee and Other Charges
The amount you pay as fee for an Innovator Founder visa depends on your situation, and where you are applying from.
- If you are applying from outside the UK, you will pay a visa fee of £1,191. For your dependents (partner and children) applying from outside the UK, the visa fee is £1,191 for each person.
- For visa extension or visa switch from other visa types to the Innovator Founder visa, you will pay a visa fee of £1,486. For your dependents applying for visa extension or visa switch from inside the UK, each of them will pay a visa fee of £1,486.
You will also have to pay the healthcare surcharge during the visa application. You can always check how much you will have to pay as healthcare surcharge here.
Also note that applying for visa extension or switch from inside the UK, you will also need to have a biometric capture (your fingerprints and a photo). This is done free of charge (no fee for this).
List of Approved Endorsing Bodies for the Innovator Founder Visas and Scale-Up Licenses
Make sure your business is endorsed by an authorized endorsing body or organization. The following organizations listed below can issue endorsements for Innovator Founder Visas and for Scale-up licenses:
- UK Endorsing Services
- Innovator International
- Envestors Limited
- The Global Entrepreneurs Programme (GEP)
For a complete list of authorized organizations for Innovator Founder and Scale-up visas, check out this guide, Innovator Founder and Scale-Up Visas Endorsing Bodies.
Step by Step Guide for Applying from Outside the UK
Note that all application for an Innovator Founder visa must be online. Also make sure you have the required documents handy, and in the required format. You will be told the exact documents needed when you apply.
You will be required to prove your identity while applying for the visa. You have two main options to prove your identity:
- Option 1: Capture your fingerprints and take a photograph at a visa application center. With this you will get a biometric residence permit. Check out this guide to find a visa application center near you.
- Option 2: Scan your identity documents using the “UK Immigration: ID Check” app. For this, you will be required to create or sign into your UKVI (UK Visas and Immigration) account.
NOTE: For visa appointment, the visa application center may need to keep your documents while your application is being processed. You may also need to travel to get to your nearest visa application center.
To apply for an Innovator Founder visa from outside the UK, follow this link.
You can always save the application form and complete it later, once you have started your application. To continue your application, sign into your account using the link from your sign-up email.
Once you have applied online, proved your identity, provided the required documents, and submitted your application, you will usually get a decision within 3 weeks from your application date, if you applied from outside the UK. You may be able to pay to get a faster decision. For more details, check out this guide.
The decision on your application will be sent to the email connected to your visa application account, explaining what you need to do next.
- If you wish to change something after you submitted your application, contact the UKVI (UK Visas and Immigration) using this guide.
- You can also request to cancel your visa application. But note that you will only get a refund if UKVI has not started processing your application.
For more details, check out this guide, Applying for the Innovator Founder visa from outside the UK.
Step by Step Guide for Extending your Innovator Founder Visa
If you meet the eligibility requirements, and you are still running a business in the UK, or you wish to setup new one, then you can apply to extend your Innovator Founder visa. But make sure you apply before your current visa expires. Also make sure your business or business idea has been assessed by an authorized endorsing body before you apply to extend your Innovator Founder visa.
In any of the cases, your dependent’s (your partner or children) visa will not be extended automatically if you extend yours. They need to extend their visa individually, else, it will not be valid after its original end date. You and your dependents can apply at the same time, or they apply at any time before their current visa expires.
We have already discussed about the eligibility requirements of an Innovator Founder visa. You can check it above. Also note that need to do a biometric capture (fingerprints and a photo) before you begin the visa extension application. The biometric capture here is free of charge.
You will be required to prove your identity while applying for the visa extension. You have two main options to prove your identity, and the option to choose depends on where you are from, and the type of passport you have:
- Option 1: Run your biometric capture (fingerprints and a photograph) at the UKVCAS (UK Visa and Citizenship Application Services) service point. With this, you will get a biometric residence permit. Check out this guide for locating a UKVCAS.
- Option 2: Scan your identity documents using the “UK Immigration: ID Check” app. For this, you will be required to create or sign into your UKVI (UK Visas and Immigration) account.
To apply for an Innovator Founder visa extension from inside the UK, follow this link.
You can always save the application form and complete it later, once you have started your application.
NOTE: Make sure you do not travel outside of the UK, Ireland, the Channel Islands, or the Isle of Man until you get a decision. If you do, your application will be withdrawn.
For applying outside the UK, you have 2 options:
- You can apply to extend the visa you have had in the last year. To apply, follow this link.
- Alternatively, you can apply at a visa application center. You can apply from any country where you have the permission to live for at least 6 months. You can check for any visa application center that you can travel to, that accepts Innovator Founder visa application in this guide.
Once you have applied online, proved your identity, provided the required documents, and submitted your application, you will usually get a decision within 8 weeks from your application date. If for any reason, your application will take more time, you will be contacted. You may be able to pay to get a faster decision. For more details, check out this guide.
- If you wish to change something after you submitted your application, contact the UKVI (UK Visas and Immigration) using this guide.
- You can also request to cancel your visa application. But note that you will only get a refund if UKVI has not started processing your application.
- Once you have applied, you can stay in the UK until you get a decision on your application, as long as you applied before your last visa expired.
For more details, check out this guide, Applying for the Innovator Founder visa extension.
- All About the UK Study Visas for Students & How to Apply
- All about UK Right of Abode (RoA) & How to Apply
Step by Step Guide for Switching to Innovator Founder Visa
If you are already in the UK on a different visa type, you might be able to switch or change to an Innovator Founder visa. Note that your dependent’s (partner or children) visa will not be automatically be switched if you switch yours. They need to apply individually, and if they do not switch their visa, it will become invalid after its original end date. You and your dependents can apply at the same time, or they apply at any time before their current visa expires. Make sure you apply for the visa switch before your current visa expires.
We have previously discussed the eligibility requirements of an Innovator Founder visa. Feel free to check it out.
NOTE: If your current visa is UK Student visa, before you can switch to the Innovator Founder visa, you must have either completed the course you were sponsored to study, or you have studied a PhD course for at least 2 years (24 months).
The holders of the following visa categories cannot switch to the Innovator Founder visa: Visit visa, Seasonal worker visa, Domestic worker in a private household visa, Short-term student visa, and Parent of a child student visa. Also, those on immigration bail, and those on permission to stay outside the immigration rules cannot also switch to the Innovator Founder visa.
Once you have switched to an Innovator Founder visa, you can stay for 3 years before the visa expires, or is due for renewal/extension. Also, there is no limit on the number of times you can extend your visa provided you meet all the requirements.
We have also previously discussed the cost and fees of an Innovator Founder visa. Feel free to check it out. But if you have not been in the UK for up to 1 year (12 months), then you need to provide a document that proves that you have enough money to support yourself in the UK.
As usual, you will be required to prove your identity while applying for the visa switch. You have two main options to prove your identity:
- Option 1: Capture your fingerprints and take a photograph at a visa application center. With this you will get a biometric residence permit. Check out this guide to find a visa application center near you.
- Option 2: Scan your identity documents using the “UK Immigration: ID Check” app. For this, you will be required to create or sign into your UKVI (UK Visas and Immigration) account.
NOTE: For visa appointment, the visa application center may need to keep your documents while your application is being processed. You may also need to travel to get to your nearest visa application center.
To apply for a switch to an Innovator Founder visa from inside the UK, follow this link.
You can always save the application form and complete it later, once you have started your application. To continue your application, sign into your account using the link from your sign-up email.
NOTE: Make sure you do not travel outside of the UK, Ireland, the Channel Islands, or the Isle of Man until you get a decision. If you do, your application will be withdrawn.
Once you have applied online, proved your identity, provided your documents, and submitted your application, you will usually get a decision within 8 weeks from your application date, if you applied from outside the UK. You may be able to pay to get a faster decision.
- If you wish to change something after you submitted your application, contact the UKVI (UK Visas and Immigration) using this guide.
- You can also request to cancel your visa application. But note that you will only get a refund if UKVI has not started processing your application.
- For decision on your visa application, you will be notified by email, or via a letter, explaining the next thing to do.
- Once you have applied, you can stay in the UK until you get a decision on your application, as long as you applied before your last visa expired.
For more details, check out this guide, Switching to the Innovator Founder visa from other visa categories.
Step by Step Guide for the UK Dependents (Partner and Children) Visa Application
Once you get an Innovator Founder visa, your dependents (partner and children) can apply to join you, or stay in the UK if they eligible. Note that if your dependents’ visa application is successful, their visa will expire the same date as yours. Your Innovator Founder visa expiry date will determine the actual expiry date of your dependents visa, no matter when they applied.
The following categories of people are recognized as your dependents:
- Your child(ren) under 18 years of age, including the ones that were born in the UK during your stay.
- Your child(ren) over 18 years of age, if they are currently residing in the UK as your dependent.
- Your wife, husband, civil partner, or unmarried partner.
- For your partner, you are required to provide a document that proves that you are in a marriage, or civil partnership that is recognized in the UK. Alternatively, you can provide a document that proves that you have been living together for at least 2 years in a relationship when you applied for the visa.
- Your child(ren) must live with you, unless they are currently enrolled in full-time education (in the boarding school or in the university) that warrants their living away from home. Also, they must be married, or be in a civil partnership.
- Also, you are required to provide evidence of their address. The recommended documents for this proof include: Bank statement, Driving license, NHS registration document, Credit card bills, or an official letter from their college or university.
Apart from the £1,270 you must have to support yourself, your dependents must also have a certain amount of money available to support themselves during their stay in the UK. Here is a breakdown of the additional amount of money your dependents must have:
- For your partner: £285
- For one child: £315
- For each additional child: £200
For example, the total amount of money for support you must have if you wish to bring your partner and 1 child with you in the UK is at least £1,870: £1,270 to support yourself + £285 for your partner + £315 for your child.
NOTE: This amount of money must have been available in your bank account, or the bank account of your dependent for at least 28 days before the day you applied for the visa. You will be required to provide a proof of this in the course of the visa application, unless you or your dependents are applying from inside the UK, and you have been in the UK for at least 1 year (12 months).
There are two options for your dependents are from outside the UK:
- Option 1 is for your partner. They can apply by following this link.
- Option 1 is for your child(ren). They can apply by following this link.
- Each of your dependents who wish to join you in the UK must apply separately and pay the visa. This must be done before they travel to the UK.
- Also, your dependents will need your Global Web Form (GWF) or a Unique Application Number (UAN). This is the application number given to you when you applied for the Innovator Founder visa. It is usually included in the emails and letter the Home Office sent you about your application.
- Lastly, your dependents also need to run a biometric capture (fingerprints and a photograph) at a visa application center. This will enable them get a biometric residence permit, which they are required to collect within 10 days from the day they arrived in the UK.
Once your dependents have applied online, proved their identities, provided the required documents, and submitted their visa applications, they will usually get a decision within 3 weeks from the day the applied. Also, they may be able to pay to get a faster decision.
For the Dependents of those who Extended or Switched their Innovator Founder Visa: The visas of your dependents will be valid until its original expiry date. Your dependents need to apply to extend or switch their visa either at the same time you, or at any time before the expiry date of their current visa. This also includes your children who have turned 18 years old during your stay in the UK.
- Your dependents cannot switch to the Innovator Founder visa if they are in the UK with the following visa categories: Visit visa, Seasonal worker visa, Domestic worker in a private household visa, Short-term student visa, and Parent of a child student visa. Also, your dependents who in the UK on immigration bail, and those on permission to stay outside the immigration rules cannot also switch to the Innovator Founder visa.
- If your dependents are currently in the UK on a Student visa, before they can switch to the Innovator Founder visa, they must have either completed the course they were sponsored to study, or you have studied a PhD course for at least 2 years (24 months).
- For visa extension or switch, you will be notified in the visa application form if you can include your dependents in your application, or whether they need to apply separately.
For dependents who need to apply separately, there are to application options:
- Option 1 is for your partner to apply to extend or switch to an Innovator Founder visa. They can apply by following this link.
- Option 2 is for your child(ren) to apply to extend or switch to an Innovator Founder visa. They can apply by following this link.
Your dependents will need your Global Web Form (GWF) or a Unique Application Number (UAN). This is the application number given to you when you applied for the Innovator Founder visa. It is usually included in the emails and letter the Home Office sent you about your application.
Also, your dependents also need to book an appointment to run a biometric capture (fingerprints and a photograph) at a UKVCAS (UK Visa and Citizenship Application Services) service point. They may also be able to pay to get a faster decision. The supporting documents of the biometric capture will also be required during the application. They can either upload them into the online service, or scan them at the UKVCAS appointment.
- Your dependents who applied for a visa extension or switch inside the UK must not travel outside of the UK, Ireland, the Channel Islands, or the Isle of Man until you get a decision. If they do, their application will be withdrawn.
- Children you born in the UK while in the UK do not automatically become British citizens. If you wish to travel in and out of the UK with the children you born in the UK while in the UK, then you apply online for their dependent visa. If they want to stay in the UK, then you must apply for the dependent visa before they turn 18 years old. Also note that for the visa application, you will be required to provide a full UK birth certificate for each child, showing the names of both parents.
With the dependent visa, your dependents can do the following:
- Work in any field, except as a sportsperson, or as a coach.
- Study in the UK.
- Travel abroad and return to the UK.
- Once they have lived in the UK for up to 5 years, they can apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) – to settle permanently in the UK.
With the dependent visa, your dependents cannot apply for most benefits, such as the public funds, or the State Pension.
For more details, check out this guide, Dependent Visa Application Guide for the Dependents of an Innovator Founder Visa Holder.
Innovator Founder Visa Refusals – What’s the Next Steps?
Generally, all visa application denial or refusal is very painful. Innovator Founder visa refusal is not left out. However, that is not the end of life, as there are always a number of options available. The first option might be to resubmit or to reapply for the visa. But you need to pay close attention to discover why the first visa application was denied. Sometimes, it might be that the Immigration officials misapplied the relevant immigration rule. In such case, initiating an Administrative Review proceeding could be the most appropriate action. But you might need the services of immigration experts be able to act on your behalf to make sure that if you do pursue the route of an administrative review, you will have the highest chance of success.
In some extreme cases the refusal is based on unlawful, unreasonable or procedurally incorrect grounds. In such case, a Judicial Review may be your best option which will mean challenging the refusal in the UK courts. Here, you will need the services of an experienced legal team that has decades of experience representing individuals and businesses in the UK courts.
Another option is to consider applying a related but different visa category, making sure you submit the right documents, in the required formats and order. This will help increase your chances of getting your visa application approved. If you are looking for other visa routes that will help you immigrate to the UK and live their permanently, you can check out the UK Global Talent Visa and the UK Partner and Spouse Visa schemes. For more details, check out this guide, UK Innovator Founder visa application.
You have learnt all you need to know about the Innovator Founder visa scheme, eligibility criteria, endorsing bodies, and a step by step guide on how to apply for the Innovator Founder visa scheme. Feel free to apply for this visa route if you are eligible. Also note that the Innovator Founder visa is one of the best route to getting a UK citizenship.