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Everyone loves image, isn’t it? But most of the time, we are unable to download images that we like a lot. Sometimes we don’t have access to the right sites, while sometimes the websites cost a lot of charge that we cannot afford. In some others, we are not allowed to enter or download or view images whenever we feel like. The last category is that of some websites, where we might not be able to modify the images as we feel due to copyright. Images carry special expressions with them and hence some of the websites are available for downloading high quality stock images for free. I will reveal the best websites where you can download free high resolution images with no copyright for your blog, graphics designs, printing, etc.
Books with good images sell more. Likewise blog posts with perfect images, they draw more audience. This because the eye needs to be attracted first, before you can get a buyer’s or reader’s interest to take next positive line of action. That is why most graphic designers go extra miles in search of a suiting image. If you are also looking for sites that sell images at a very cheap price, I will also reveal the best recommended ones.
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This is that website, where you can get more than one million public domain high resolution images. You can download them depending on their colors or their meanings and use them for yourself. There are a number of vector graphics, illustrations depicting various symbols and meanings, and sometimes you can download meaningful videos also. There are options like editor’s choice from where you can select millions and billions of pictures that best suit to labor landscape photography.
The download process is also very simple. Just select an image, choose the resolution that you want, and then fill in the captcha just to prove that you are a human. There is even an alternate facility available. You can just get registered to the website for free and then you can freely download images. There is even another option called safe search box which you can use for safe browsing of pictures.
This website is slightly different from the first one. In this, you can upload any image of your choice. However, it relies continuously on the website makers to select the right one among them. There are a number of options i.e. themes, locations, emotions, pastimes, from where you can select a preferable image of your choice. Images come in right interface mock-ups. However these images are not copied sources. They are original and creative. They are excellent in quality and some of them are derived from sources (NASA).
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FreeRange Stock
This website us home to excellent images at high quality. However in order to get access to them, you need to apply for a free registration. There are more than 20,000 public domain photos. These are vintage stock photos. Hence one can easily any image and use this just the way they require. This website is good when you require clicking photos art high resolutions.
This is kind of a “storehouse” for images on public domain. There are innumerable collections of images, i.e. over 3 million or may be more. Apart from being the storehouse, it also helps to connect people and acts as an excellent social networking app.
You can easily host your favorite images, and can also edit them just the way you feel. You can even store the images in your personal album or download it after editing any particular picture. On top of that, each picture comes up with a license and hence they are directly linked with the creators of the image. Hence you get an idea about who created an image.
This website provides options for playing with the nature of images just the way you want. Gratisography helps you by providing the best range of graphic designing. If you are looking for huge quantity of photos, then do not opt for this website as it considers quality over quantity, in the sense, you can create qualitative front of each image.
However the overall stock of images is not huge as compared to other websites of the similar category. However this website is regularly monitored and new images are constantly monitored every week and upload for viewers. There are multiple options where you can stay touch with the updates. To begin with, you can use the service of newsletters and once you get subscribed, you will receive regular notifications. These notifications’ will come to you in the firm of emails that contain images that you would like.
Sites that Sell Images at a Very Cheap Price
- ShutterStock
- BigStockPhoto
- iStockPhoto
- 99Club
- AdobeStock
- Photocase’
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Images are required to be in correct shape and form for business projects, personal occasions, or simply as memories. Hence photographers as well as graphic designers can make the best use of these websites, to design images or download them. Feel free to use as they are copyright-free.
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