Animation has made video creation more interesting. With the help of various software tools and apps, you can animate anything; be it real life photo, sketched drawing or 3D objects. All you need is the right tool to help you achieve your aim. In this article, you will learn... Read more »
Video editing is one of the hottest online freelance services that can fetch you huge money. There are many video editing tools out there, with different features. But you need to know the best video editing app or software tool that has all the features you need, and also... Read more »
Facial recognition technology is one of the latest trends in Artificial Intelligence (AI). It has already been applied in many fields like social media, mobile technology, business marketing and adverts. It has also been implemented in hotels, air travels, education, automobile, biometric systems, health care and banking. You must... Read more »
Before now, animation is only done with a laptop. But with advancement in tech, you can now create GIF and animate groups of images with the help of your android phone, iPhone or iPad. You can also create cartoon movies for kid or even create an avatar of yourself... Read more »